
Diarrhoea is a very common presentation at the vets. Most animals will get diarrhoea at some point in their lives and most times it will resolve on its own after a few days, without any intervention. However, there are some instances where medical intervention is necessary, like for Nala.

Nala is a 1-year-old, Female, German Shepherd Dog. She was presented to us just before her 1st birthday with chronic unresolving diarrhoea and gradual weight loss despite a good appetite. Investigations were started and Nala was eventually diagnosed with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency.

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency or EPI results in the inability to fully digest food and because of this, results in malnutrition. EPI is a relatively rare condition but predisposed in certain breeds like German Shepherd Dogs, Collies and English Setters. The condition is generally thought to be congenital (passed from parents), so signs are noticed from a young age. Although, EPI can be diagnosed later in life following damage to the pancreas (the organ responsible for producing digestive enzymes).

The good news is the treatment for EPI is relatively straight forward as we supplement the enzymes the patient is missing from their pancreas! In Nala’s case, we started her on supplements to provide her with the typical enzymes that are commonly affected by this condition. It took a few tries to get Nala on the optimum supplements for her, but we got there and now she is able to keep her weight steady and no more diarrhoea which both Nala, her owners and us vets are very happy with!

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