Rosie the 'ROCK' star!


Meet Rosie!

Rosie presented to us after suffering urinary dribbling and incontinence for a period of time. Her urinalysis showed her urine contained blood and was too dilute however it did not show any other abnormalities. On her clinical examination and abdominal palpation our Clinical Director Rebecca could feel an enlarged and firm bladder and was suspicious that Rosie’s bladder contained urinary calculi or urinary ‘stones’. The decision was made therefore to proceed with a surgery to open into Rosie’s bladder and investigate/remove any stones present.  

Rosie’s owner has kindly given us permission to post the pictures and video below showing some of Rosie’s surgery with us. You will see the moment we opened into her bladder and the initial stone removal with the impressive 135g of stones or 'rocks' that were finally removed! Don’t worry when you see a spoon involved with this procedure 😉 as this is a sterile spoon and only used for these procedures and never to stir any cups of practice tea! Interestingly using a smaller sterile spoon is often the least traumatic way we have to remove multiple bladder stones.  

We are pleased to announce that Rosie made a swift and full recovery! We sent off her urinary stones for analysis  to get to the bottom of why they developed in the first place and it was found to be following a chronic urinary infection. We will therefore aim to regularly monitor Rosie's urine to prevent this happening again in the future! 

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